Senin, 25 April 2011

Welsh Medium Postgraduate Women International Scholarship

These Women International Scholarship are funded by Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Funding is available for up to five years, as a Doctoral research student and a teaching assistant. The postgraduate scholarship will cover the cost of university tuition fees (the current Home/EU rate is £3,466) and will also provide a maintenance grant (the current rate is £13,590 per year). Applications are invited from potential researchers with a Psychology background. The Women International Scholarship successful candidate will also be required to undertake Welsh-medium teaching for the School, as a condition of the award. The final year of the scholarship is regarded as a fellowship year when teaching commitments will increase.

Scholarship Application Deadline:30 June,2011

Details Scholarship Information and Application

Selasa, 19 April 2011

Hong Kong Postgraduate Women International Scholarships

The Women International Scholarships University of Birmingham, says Dipl.-Master Scholarship candidates known in Hong Kong began their training in September 2011. The closing date is 30 April 2011.
Applicants for these scholarships should normally satisfying the following conditions:
a. Stopped in Hong Kong have at least seven years before 1 October 2011; graduates (or expect to graduate before September 2011) in all Hong Kong universities;
for admission to the University of Birmingham using methods standard 30th University Entry April 2011 c.have applied; right to admission to their intentions at the University of Birmingham study. (Note: The
Women International Scholarships will be confirmed only when the candidate was offered a place at the University on a scholarship n does not guarantee admission to university); able evidence satisfactory to the University of adequate knowledge to give oral and written English skills;
f.should not been studied in Britain and
g.should be able to finance the remaining costs of their studies in Birmingham, including living expenses from other sources.

Women International Scholarships Application deadline: No or before 30 April 2011.


Kamis, 07 April 2011

Women International Scholarship Scientific Prizes Callataÿ and Wouters 2011, Belgium

Women International Scholarship Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and le Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) award the annual Callataÿ & Wouters Award in recognition of an original and/or profound contribution to knowledge in monetary economics, financial mathematics, financial institutions and markets, economic growth and technological change, mathematical and quantitative economic methods, under the condition that research in the above-mentioned field is/will be executed on a macro-economical scale.Young promising researchers from a Flemish university or the Royal Military School.
A scientific prize of 10.000 EUR for an original contribution to knowledge about
The prize rewards: a)a completed work concerning the theme described above. In this case Women International Scholarship , the laureate receives 50% of the Award and 50% is donated to its research.
b) a research project, that according to the jury, offers very promising future prognoses in this area. Only in this case, a research project which was not awarded can be resubmitted the following year. The project will then be evaluated based on its progress.

Scholarship Application Deadline:15th of May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application